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Tape extensions are great for very fine hair as they lie flat to the scalp. Because they are larger than individuals you do not need as many in your head so not as heavy. Both the GL apps and Remi Cachet brands are injection tapes so it mimics hair coming from the root providing very discreet wear.

They are applied by sandwiching two pieces of tape hair together with a tiny slice section of your own hair between. This is a very fast application time. 

WhatsApp Image 2020-05-27 at


  • Fast application for busy clients

  • Good for fine hair as lie flat to head.

  • Hair can be reused in maintenance appointments.

  • Super discreet with the injection tape method mimicking scalp growth. 


  • Can be hard to hide if clients like to wear their hair up.

  • Tapes can slip easily.

  • Maintenance is needed more often than other methods.

  • May not be able to do a lot of refits as the top can disintegrate and new hair is needed.

  • Refits are done over 2 appointments to allow re-taping.

  • A 'glue like' adhesive is used so no good for people who prefer not to have this.


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