KERATIN BONDS including Great Lengths
This is the method that has been around the longest. It has had some bad press as people 'said it damages your own hair'. This is absolutely untrue! After all big brands such as Great Lengths only offer this method and it’s the world Leading Brand in hair extensions.... surely, they cannot be wrong? The reason behind people saying these comments is either because they haven't had them applied OR TAKEN OUT CORRECTLY or basically not followed aftercare instructions. Or again simply panicked when they saw natural shed and the feeling of no hair extensions in their hair, people must remember the reason they had them in in the first place. Clients who have bonded extensions generally never change their chosen method and this speaks volumes!
They are applied by using either a heat fusion tool or a cold fusion machine for Great Lengths (ultrasonic waves). The bond is melted and rolled into a tiny keratin bond in the hair individually.

VERY long-lasting and durable, they stay in your hair until they're either re-tipped or removed.
Very discreet in the client's hair. Bonds are small and tend to be hair coloured.
Can be bought in all hair lengths, colours and types so not restricted to certain brands.
Least maintenance of all extensions for clients leading busy lifestyles.
Fantastic for clients who love wearing their hair up.
Heat is used in the application, and some clients prefer not to have this.
Clients tend to only wear this method once as re-tipping can be expensive and choose to go for new hair instead.
If clients choose to re-tip their hair, it cannot be done in one appointment. It is sent away to be re-tipped so clients will have up to 2 weeks of no hair extensions.